Imperatus V1.2 Release!

Liber Imperatus

Allies matrix - Various Pages - Reduced the ally level of Aeldari with a lot of Imperium Factions.

In Liber Imperatus we’ve included rules for ICM forces to have a greatly increased allied rating with the Aeldari, now that this has been done we feel comfortable knocking the space elves down a bit to more accurately reflect their standing in the lore.

SA Praetorian Heavy Tank - Page 179 / 250 - Tank Base Cost dropped, weapons made cheaper

Feedback we’ve had in the past couple of weeks indicated that the Praetorian’s initial costs were a bit high as a result of over-cautious costing. We’ve made these cheaper to allow them to be easier to select in a list.

IM Grenadier New Options Tweaked - Page 225 - Hot-Shot Volley Gun selection tweaked

We’ve realised that the way we initially added the HSVG to Grenadier squads allowed for four special weapons in a unit. These are now swapped for a plasma gun, ensuring only 2 special weapons can be taken in a unit.

IM Cavalry Squad New Option added - Page 241 - Lance and Carbine

To allow IM cavalry squads to have model-accurate armaments, you can now select a militia lance AND lascarbine. Sorry about the annoying points cost :(

Seismic Crusher Profile Tweaked - Page 299 - AP and Rules tweaked

As a seismic crusher does not roll to hit (haywire and graviton pulse), breaching did nothing. We’ve removed it and given it flat AP3 instead to compensate.

Open-Topped - Page 285 - Changed Open-Topped to the following ‘Up to X number of models in a unit Embarked upon a Transport with this Special Rule may make a Shooting Attack in the Controlling Player's Shooting Phase (where X is the number in

brackets next to the Special Rule), measuring from the Transport’s Hull. If a model chooses to fire in this way, they are counted as having moved - note that this may prevent them from shooting certain weapon types. It should be noted that any ability which replaces a Shooting Attack (such as, but not limited to, casting a Psychic Power or Cybertheurgic Rite) may not be used. Shooting Attacks made in this manner may target a different unit to ones made by the Transport, but any Reactions made to these target the Transport as normal. Units with any Special Rule that allows them

to count as stationary for the purposes of Shooting attacks (such as Relentless, Legiones Astartes (Death Guard), etc) may not benefit from them whilst embarked on a Transport with this Special Rule.

In addition, any rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table that target a model with this Special Rule add +1 to the result.’

We’ve reworked Open-Topped from the ground up, this should make it function more intuitively. We’ve also confirmed that no ‘shooting replacement’ effects can be used with this special rule, to avoid any weirdness.


Liber-Imperatus_PAGES_v1.2.pdf 16 MB
Jan 08, 2024
Liber-Imperatus_SPREADS_v1.2.pdf 16 MB
Jan 08, 2024

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