A downloadable project

The Liber Imperatus is our fourth faction release, and our largest and most ambitious project to date; expanding upon four existing factions and adding an additional new one to the game for the Imperials!     

Within this document you will find expansions for four existing sub-factions of the Imperium - Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Imperialis Militia, Solar Auxilia - as well as an entirely new sub-faction, the Rogue Traders Militant! We recommend you use the Liber Panoptica with this supplement for the best gameplay experience. 

Everything in here has been extensively play-tested (with over 500 games across the team for all our publications!), so we're confident it all works as expected!

In addition, this document boasts full bookmarks, and two options for downloading - full double-page spreads, or single pages, for those of you who prefer the choice! 

This project, and all future projects by the Panoptica Team, are made in collaboration with the following teams and individuals: 

  • The Veterans of Terra Team
  • AUS30K Events
  • King Fluff Events 

We'd couldn't do it without them!

Any feedback you do have can be provided to us directly via the HH: Age of Darkness Discord: https://discord.gg/HH-Age-of-Darkness

We also have a social media presense, if you want to interact with us via any other channels:   https://linktr.ee/hh_ageofdarkness

We really hope you all enjoy it!

Current Version: V1.2 - 08/01/2024 
Please note that previous versions of the Liber Imperatus will not be supported by the team going forward - only the current version above will be maintained and have feedback accepted going forward.

This document is shared under the provisions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence, more information on which can be found here: 



Liber-Imperatus_PAGES_v1.2.pdf 16 MB
Liber-Imperatus_SPREADS_v1.2.pdf 16 MB

Development log


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really love your work!

i cant get acces to the discord server. can you please help me out?


Hey, i just wanted to say, i LOVE this book, and all the supplements your team puts out, they're great and all my friends and I really enjoy playing with these rules. I just wanted to ask, did you have any models in mind to be used as the Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rigs? I'd really like to know because they seem awesome. Thanks!

Heya - thanks for your kind words!

We've seen some fantastic conversions made from the sisters of battle walkers, as well as 3D prints. If you join our discord I'm sure someone in the community will have pictures to share!